Photo Journal

Family time in the Canary Islands
The best time is family time. The best family time is when we get to travel. As a family we place great value into travel. We as individuals love it and when we can we try to pass this on to our little girl Penelope.Traveling with a child is not that easy but compared to others with many kids I can’t complain. Penelope handles the planes, the layovers, the car rentals and the mixed cuisines with charm and ease. Visiting the Canary Island this past November was no exception. We all had the time of our lives. And how couldn’t we. It was November and we were at Lanzarote hanging out on the beach sun bathing! This was part two of m ...
Sunday excursion into the Cretan mountains
Not that we hiked of roughed it up but we definitely chowed down like wolves. It was a magical day with Penelope’s Godmother her soon to be hubby, Penelope herself and Anna. We visited the Chania horse riding Club in Malaxa but Penelope decided not to ride on this day. Mind you she has in th epast and loves it. But go figure. Nest a drive around Drakona and saw the traditional way of cooking in the villages of Chania Crete, Greece.Notice some of the deep forest images near the snowline. A rare site for tourists in the Summer. And the finale of the day was dinner at Therisos. Till next time..    
Chania Crete photographer, images from Epiphany Day in Chalepa and Apokoronas.
  Epiphany Day is the ceremony were an Orthodox priest throws a cross into the water and swimmers race to retrieve it. Similar ceremonies to mark Epiphany Day were held across Greece at the sea, rivers, lakes and dams. The swimmer, with the cross then goes around town and collects money in exchange for a blessing. This was a family day for us as for many others. We chose to watch the cross thrown into Koloura cove in Chalepa, Chania then spend the day and have lunch at the wonderful Tzitzikas cafe restaurant in Armenous, Chania Crete Greece.   ..
Behind The Scenes of a commercial lifestyle photo shoot in Chania Crete, Greece
I was recently approached to commercially photo shoot for a new clothing company here in Chania, Crete Greece. The newly formed company called Rice Above Fear is based in the UK and owned by a young Greek form Chania. The company wanted a youthful photo shoot with a lifestyle approach. Just the kind of stuff I love. The photo shoot was done in two parts. Day one in the studio for the products and day two outdoors around town by a lake and finally on the beach. Putting together a good crew and models was essential. I always want to be efficient on set, but if we can’t have a good time in the process then why bother. The result i ...
A holiday photo walk around Chania Crete.
Walking around the town of Chania near the end of the year one gets a chance to live some of the traditions here in Greece. First thing you will notice and feel is that Christmas isn’t as big of a deal as it is in other parts of the world. Here in Greece Easter is more celebrated and way more festive. Still the spirit is out there and people have a good time. Another noticeable and pleasant aspect is the weather. Especially here on Crete, if you want bellow zero temperatures you will have to drive up into the mountains and due to the high altitude (up to 2453m) even see some snow. But down at sea level temperatures rarely drop into t ...
3 years and counting
Penelope turned 3 the other day and reminded us once again that time waits for no one. So I personally try to slow down and enjoy it. Easier said than done, but an effort must be made in that direction. Together with loved ones we celebrated our little miracle. We blew 3 candles, ate some cake, opened gifts and set sail for the next year. Happy birthday Penelope.  
Aromas, flavors, bazars and history around Istanbul Turkey (Part 1)
A couple of flights away from Chania, Crete Greece we ended up in Sultanahmet Istanbul. As you fly in over Istanbul, you are reminded that this is a city of over 12 million people. In search of a short trip near Chania, my family and I decided to spend a few days exploring the wonders and as much history as possible. Hagia Sophia, Topkapi Palace, Galata tower, Taksim square just to name a few. This is my “warm up” post before I manage to edit and share some more of the images I captured during our trip. Stand by for part 2 and thanks for visiting.