Looking back at the Wolves Workshop in the Canary Islands
It was that time of the year for me. I had to take a break and expand my knowledge. The best part of it was that I could combine those both together.
How did this happen?
Well, there happened to be a passionate Spanish photographer called Pablo Beglez with an itch for sharing knowledge and for meeting and making new friends.
Pablo put together The Wolves Workshop on a heavenly little island off the cost of Lanzarote called La Graciosa.
Upon my arrival on the island I was content with just the location. A volcanic scenery with just one and a half villages, no paved roads and just a few utility vehicles classified this place in a world of it’s own.
Life had just slowed down. Now mind you I live on the Greek island of Crete in Chania with a style of living very different than most of Europe, but still, La Graciosa had instantly won over my heart.
On top of that 40 photographers from around the world had gathered to share and learn from a handful of very talented wedding photographers.
What we were learning was tied up to the way we lived during the workshop and this made us better people too.
The whole workshop had a romantic analog film feeling to it. Some actually were shooting film 🙂
We shared apartments randomly with other photographers too! My apartment could have been the beginning of a joke that went as, “On a little island of the coast of Africa there once were a German, an Austrian, a Dutch, and a Greek (Part American)”. Haha… We lived like teens sharing choirs and in the end we had become good friends.
Our neighbors were the Spanish from up above, the Croatians girls from across the way and the Poles around the corner.
Our common meeting points were the rooftop sunset parties (with Spanish beer) and the bonfire nights (with Heinekens, one of the sponsors, and food). And of course all the teachings and live photo shoots.That part was the cherry on top of the cake.
The amazing group of speakers would daily take us on live trips of inspiration and welth of knowledge.
Pablo, Ed, Sarah & Dylan, James, Nicole, People Producciones and F2 Studio,
Each with their own distinct styles and personalities. Click on their web sites then follow, like instagram them and learn from their vision.
For me it was very interesting to watch them unfold and work behind their cameras and see how they interacted with their subjects.
All in all one of the most memorable weeks I had spent in a long time.
And you know it when the memories and feelings linger on, way past your return back home.