My Journal

BTS images from the video shoot of Divine villas in Chania Crete, Greece
Yet another hard task was tackled the other day with the results still in the making. A while bach I came to an agreement with long time client from Denmark Lotte Herstal, owner of Divine Villas in Chania Crete to shoot some short clips for the 2017 promotion of the villas. Blessed with some good weather we were able to stick to our main plan and shoot for tree days straight. Hours of footage later, we have finally reached the editing phase of the creation and hope to have some amazing clips soon. Till then here are some fun BTS (Behind The Scenes) images captured during filming. Special thanks to Turquoise Fashion Accessories ...
24h escape to the South of Crete in Paleochora
It all happened mid week, 75 min away in less than 24hours in September. Paleohora in the South of Crete is our favourite destination "get-away".  Amazing beaches, great food and family atmosphere. And all that can be arranged within one stop. Just drive up to the "Palm Tree" and you are done. Perrakis family takes care of the rest. Rooms, food and tones of smiles. We have always loved hanging out there from our single days up to now as a family. Andreas, one of the three brothers has been a buddy of mine since my cycling days and now we both enjoy time together as dads. If that ain't proof of friendship longevity I don't know wha ...
Local festival with a photo expo at Zymvragou Chania Crete, Greece
A few months back I was asked to participate in a photo expo by donating a framed picture. Organized by Mr. Archontakis Ioannis the expo took part last night August 10th 2016. More of Mr. Archontakis work can be viewed at olivepress ART FACTORY worth visiting when in the area.   The location of Zymvragou, of the municipality of Platanias was magical. And old neoclassical building that used to be the village school has be restored and turned into a photo and cinema museum. And best of all on the same evening the locals were hosting a local festival with food and live music. A fine way to spend the evening with family on the ...
Q & A with filming / editing mini workshop with cinematographer Hector Torra in Chania Crete, Greece.
A while back I had the chance to attend a workshop that helped change my perspective on some core personal and professional aspects in my photography.   Best of all I had a chance to make some good friends that I now also call part of my network. One of them is Hector Torra. A cinematographer from Spain with a spirit and humor similar to myself.   Hector and his girlfriend, the lovely Carolina came to Crete to visit the island and spend some time together. While here we had a chance to talk shop and try to find ways to potentially work together. In my opinion it is just a matter of time. In the mean while I asked Hect ...
Family time in the Canary Islands
The best time is family time. The best family time is when we get to travel. As a family we place great value into travel. We as individuals love it and when we can we try to pass this on to our little girl Penelope.Traveling with a child is not that easy but compared to others with many kids I can’t complain. Penelope handles the planes, the layovers, the car rentals and the mixed cuisines with charm and ease. Visiting the Canary Island this past November was no exception. We all had the time of our lives. And how couldn’t we. It was November and we were at Lanzarote hanging out on the beach sun bathing! This was part two of m ...
Sunday excursion into the Cretan mountains
Not that we hiked of roughed it up but we definitely chowed down like wolves. It was a magical day with Penelope’s Godmother her soon to be hubby, Penelope herself and Anna. We visited the Chania horse riding Club in Malaxa but Penelope decided not to ride on this day. Mind you she has in th epast and loves it. But go figure. Nest a drive around Drakona and saw the traditional way of cooking in the villages of Chania Crete, Greece.Notice some of the deep forest images near the snowline. A rare site for tourists in the Summer. And the finale of the day was dinner at Therisos. Till next time..