
Some of the best rising wedding photographers in the world

My journal

When the highly respected list of rising photographers of Rangefinder Magazine came out, I was stunned and ecstatic to see familiar names on the list.

Well for this bunch of photographers it is obvious that the world has spoken and stated that they are ahead of their game and leading the way to new and exciting places.

Photographers such as Pablo Beglez, Lukas Piatek, Rafal BojarDaniel Alonso

Beyond the simple acquaintance, some of them were more than happy to share their story, or “secrets” of trade and even have a beer or two.Does this make me a better photographer?No..! But I am glad to know that I am on to something good. Just like they have globally proven.Now all I have to do is try to stick with it and not surrender to the monster I am faced with here in Greece. Bluntly the crappiest economy in the Eurozone.

It’s one thing to hear about it in the news, it’s another thing to try and have a business and feed your family in it.And when I met some of these talented photographers I believe the most common phrase that represents them and that stuck with me is: “take pictures for yourself, and not for your clients”.

At first, this might shock a lot of people or even provoke mixed thoughts from potential clients, but when implemented properly and respectfully, it is the founding ground to a successful artist. When implemented the ones that will benefit, are you and your clients.Then, of course, comes the backbreaking work to support the idea. And in my economy here in Greece, forget it. You have to truly suffer the loss of clients, sleep, money, free time and in the end have a bit of luck too.So what I learned is to implement the “take pictures for yourself, and not for your clients” to the extent of surviving and for some of us the benefit just might come at a later time.But no matter what you must try and respect your vision. I believe it to be the most satisfying aspect of any artist in just about any field.

To strengthen my story I wanted to get in touch with a few of these artists in their busy schedules and ask them: How do you believe you ended up on the Rangefinder list? What is the core aspect that put you amongst these photographers?

  • Pablo Beglez is a Spanish photographer I met at The Wolves Workshop in the Canary Islands. He created this workshop and brought a lot of us together. His mojo that stuck with us is: “Thank you for your life”.No Pablo we all thank you! So tell us Pablo:

In Spanish: Creo que la única forma de llegar a los sitios es trabajando, trabajando duro para que día a día tu trabajo mejore, el resto son solo las consecuencias, ganar un premio o que te nombren por algo es solo eso, la consecuencia o resultado de tu trabajo. No existen los atajos y si los coges y crees que esta ahorrando pronto te darás cuenta que no es así. Trato de conectar con is parejas, para mi la relacion que creamos es muy importante y eso se deve notar en las fotos. La solides en el trabajo y mi insistencia en mis obsesiones. Realmente no se lo que fue pero supongo que algo de esto puede haber influido.

In English with some Google Translate: I think the only way to be featured in such sites is to work, and work hard so that every day your work improves, the rest is only the outcome, as well as winning a prize or being named for something is just that, the consequence or result of your work. There are no shortcuts. And if you take the shortcuts, and think that you will reach your goal faster, then soon you will realize that it can’t be done this way.When working I try to connect with my couples. For me, the relationship created between us is very important, and that should come out in the resulting photos.All in all I try to be solid at my work and insistent with my obsessions. I really do not know what exactly it was, but I guess some of the above may have influenced how I got here. Pablo Béglez

  • Lucas is how it all started for me. When I found his creation and began following the website LookLikeFilm. The photo community that has grown to an enormous size with photographers sharing their work and getting inspired be each other from all over the world. LookLikeFilm sponsored The Wolves Workshop that I decided to give a try and have changed ever since.Lucas a photographer himself has transcended with his work and community.

So tell us Lucas: Community over the competition is certainly one of the most important things for me. If we as creatives work together we can actually do so much more. Building friendships and connections are crucial for the success of so many people. Most of us would be nowhere where we are right now if it wasn’t for other creatives that helped us out.

  • Rafal Boyar is a young photographer from Poland that I have been closely following ever since we met at The Wolves Workshop. I believed in his work to the point that I referred him to clients coming into my market to get married. And this year he is even booked a wedding and will be shooing here on Crete.

So tell us Rafal: I can just add something that last year I have understood what really matters to me. That I want to step aside from the mainstream and to create something different for my couples and myself. For me, friendship really matters and all I want to show other people is that pure love does exist.

  • Daniel Alonso of People Producciones was the closest to home for me when I met him at the Wolves Workshop. A family man with a little girl close to my daughters’ age. I thought this guy must understand how hard it is to balance a growing business of a photographer while trying to be the best husband and father. Not that easy when you highly prioritize your family.

So tell us Daniel: Without a doubt, being surrounded by great and talented professionals is vital to keep growing. In our case, it has been so.

  • I also want to mention a person that isn’t on the Rangefinder list but was at The Wolves Workshop and I think benefited the most from the people there is Alfonso Flores. A photographer from Mexico that traveled a couple of days to arrive in the Canary Islands. He really wanted to attend the workshop and become better. Lately, he showed great admiration for the photographers on the list of Rangefinder and one day hoped to be on that list too. Well, let me tell you. This guy has evolved so much since I met him at the Wolves Workshop that I consider him to be a case study. And I really would like to hear his opinion.

So tell us, Alfonso. What is the main reason of your growth?

BELIEVE, I think every big thing starts in our minds and hearts. I study business management, and after college, I was wonder if this is what I want to do with my life? Did I make the right decision? I had to stop and make up y mind. I had to choose my own path and pursue my own dreams. I always want to be as better as I can be, but mainly be happy and make my father, my brother, my girlfriend, and all the people that is no longer with me like mom and grandma proud of me. For sure one of the things make me grow was to be in different workshops like the wolves, surround by people I admire, from people all over the world with different visions of life. This path is really crazy you have to trust in yourself, in your dreams, you have to be brave to follow your heart and have goals. For me, one of my biggest goals is to one day be in Rangefinder 30 rising stars list.

This blog post is probably longer than most people’s attention span can handle. But if you are still reading, then you have an itch. A contagious one. One hard to stop scratching. It’s called, taking pictures for yourself and not for your clients.

Love what you do, respect it and keep doing it until the right clients come to you for your vision.

Past fun information:

My blogpost from The Wolves Workshop here

Fun video footage from The Wolves Workshop here.

Monika Fias clip of The Wolves Workshop. (Very talented young lady here)

Cover image by: Ed Peers

With Pablo Beglez at The Wolves Workshop
With Pablo Beglez at The Wolves Workshop
With Pablo Beglez and friends after the workshop on Lanzarote, Gran Canaria
With Pablo Beglez and friends after the workshop on Lanzarote, Gran Canaria
Lukas Piatek shooting some of the scenery on our way to the workshop
Lukas Piatek shooting some of the scenery on our way to the workshop
Lukas Piatek during the sunset at La Graciosa, Gran Canaria.
Lukas Piatek during the sunset at La Graciosa, Gran Canaria.
Alfonso Flores on the left departing Lanzarote for La Gracioasa
Alfonso Flores on the left departing Lanzarote for La Gracioasa
Alfonso Flores at the Wolve's. Pic by: Daniel Alonso
Alfonso Flores at the Wolve’s. Pic by: Daniel Alonso
Daniel Alonso
Daniel Alonso second from the left at The Wolves Workshop. Pic by: Alfonso Flores
Epic rooftop parties during the Wolves Workshop. Rafal Bojar on the right enjoying the sunset
Epic rooftop parties during the Wolves Workshop. Rafal Bojar on the right enjoying the sunset
Rafal Bojar on the right checking his settings
Rafal Bojar on the right checking his settings
Rafał Bojar 12:55 February 8, 2017 Reply
Thanks buddy!!! :)
    admin 12:57 February 8, 2017 Reply
    Your welcome Rafal. Keep up the good work. See you this Summer on Crete.

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